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You can listen to the current selected section by clicking the tempo button in the player area. Numbers on the tempo button indicate all possible tempo options.

Click the same button again to stop the audio (or use a Space key).

Library player area

If nothing happens when you click, check if the Autoplay checkbox is active (it’s on by default). If you don’t want to hear the audio when changing the tempo, turn Autoplay off.

If the progress bar is moving but you still don’t hear anything, check the volume level in the player area.

Keyboard Shortcuts

You can use the folling keyboard shortcuts in this tab:

  • Left and Right arrow keys - to navigate between sections
  • Up and Down arrow keys - to change tempo for the current section
  • Enter - play the current section
  • Space - stop audio
  • P - pause

If you used Autoplay switch, make sure that it’s not in focus when you use keyboard sbortcuts - otherwise you can end up switching between autoplay modes, but not playing sections.